Friday, January 15, 2010

Malaysian Certificate of Competency (CoC)

Do you know that working onboard merchant ship/vessel requires you to have a certificate?

What is this CoC?

Do you have a Malaysian Passport & Driving license? Generally those who have not seen this Certificate of Competency, it is like a combination of Malaysian Passport and driving license. From outside it look similar like a passport and inside has the particulars like license.

Inside it contains information about the holder, grade, date of issue, date of expiry, issuing authority, signature of holder, signature of Director General of Marine, function, limitation, capacity, page for endorsement, etc...

Why do i say same like driving license? well for those who does not have any idea... CoC issued by the Marine Department Malaysia consist of different
grades, capacities, plying limits and functions.

Take for example, at the back page of driving license it has classes of license such as A, B, B1, B2, C, D, E, E1, E2, F, G, H, and I. Similar to that, CoC has different
grades like Master, Chief Officer, Officer in Charge of Navigation Watch (WKO), Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Officer incharge of Engineering Watch (WKE). It also divided into Gross Tonage (GT) and Kilowatt (kW) and plying limit or voyage such as Domestic, Near Coastal and Unlimited.

Who is eligible for this CoC?
- Are you Malaysian? if yes, than you are eligible to have one.

How to get one?
- Getting it is not an easy task. The higher the CoC
grades you are taking the harder it will be.

If you interested to have one, and seriously decided to be a seafarer as your career this what you should do;- Make an application to enroll in courses provided by the Approved Maritime Training Institution. For those who have good results in SPM, STPM, Matrikulasi, Diploma or even Degree... can make an application to Akademi Laut Malaysia (Navigation & Engineering) or Politeknik Ungku Omar (Engineering only).

For more information you might want to surf their webpage on below URL;

The two institutions suggested above obviously provide courses for higher grade, i.e;
Navigation or Deck Department courses :
1. WKO >500GT Unlimited
2. Chief Officer >3000GT Unlimted
3. Master >3000GT Unimited

Engineering or Engine Department courses
1. WKE >750kW Unlimited
2. Second Engineer >3000kW Unlimited
3. Chief Engineer >3000kW Unlimited

There are also courses provided for lower grade, but that will be share later.

For those reading this article, you may drop me an comment below... i will try my best to provide you information base on my search online.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Would like to know if there are information available in steps, guidelines, procedures and regulatory of how an ex-Royal Navy Commander/Lt Col do a conversion certification to Merchant Navy?

    1. DFixer, there is no conversion. They have to attend the STCW course. Royal Navy already have Maritime Training Institution STCW approved by Marine Department. Please refer to the commander in command.

    2. The so-called conversion is a bridging course to fill in the gaps in the qualification already possessed by the naval officer to fulfil merchant navy/seamen qualifications.

  3. Which Maritime Academy/Institution in Malaysia would accept foreign student other then ALAM

    1. For COC course only at ALAM.

    2. hi admin,
      i like to do Combined Chief & 2nd. Engineer 3000KW or more (U.V.) Motor... from alam. but in email they are not responding. can you please give me the fees details and working email id of alam, thanks.

  4. hi admin,
    i like to do Combined Chief & 2nd. Engineer 3000KW or more (U.V.) Motor... from alam. but in email they are not responding. can you please give me the fees details and working email id of alam, thanks.

    1. Dear Sleeker,
      as found in their web;
      Akademi Laut Malaysia

      Mailing Address

      Window Delivery 2051
      Masjid Tanah Post Office
      78300 Masjid Tanah
      Melaka, Malaysia

      Campus Address

      Batu 30, Kampung Tanjung Dahan, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Melaka

      telephone 606 3882 200 (5 lines)
      fax 606 387 6700
      telex ma 62860
      email : (general) / (vacancies)

  5. To whom it may concern,

    Im a filipino citizen holding a malaysian coc,oic foreign going. Is it possible to use it in
    other country like philippines?

    1. Hi, the answer is 'YES' since Malaysia is also a party to IMO and ratified STCW78, as amended.

  6. Dear concern,                            This Is deck cadet Robinson rajat singh (nationality- Indian), i have done higher national diploma from india affiliated from edexcell UK. It was a 2 year nautical program, and require sea time to apply in UK was 1 year, coming to the conclusion,i would like to apply for COC exams through your prestigious sophisticated institution, i am already done with 1 year 9 months seatime and currently serving in Shinyang shipping.sdn (malaysian registered company), and i would like to go through ur route for 2nd mate COC exams.Please guide me the way that can make my aim a gud start.
    Thanking you,
    With regards,
    Robinson rajat singh
    Deck cadet

    1. Dear Robin,
      If you took WKO-course in UK, than UK will assess you for COC. Similarly, only those (student) that completed COC course in Malaysian MET Institution is allowed to attend assessment by Marine Department Malaysia.

  7. Hi admin,

    Is the oioew n.c.v coc from malaysia recognised world wide or only in malaysian waters?


    1. Hi there, Malaysian Near Coastal Voyage COC basically limited to Malaysian Near Coastal plying limit which includes; Malaysian Waters, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, some part of Papua New Guinea, Thailand and Laos. If outside these waters, then Malaysia need to have bilateral agreement with the other Maritime County.

  8. Hi admin,

    Im a malaysian 4class steam ticket holder, how can i change my ticket to motor, please advice the best way?

    1. Hi there,
      Basically you need to attend WKE-MOTOR course. undergo the same route before, passed all the written exam and oral exam. Please be guided to call the Marine Department personnel for further clarification on the requirements of COC Steam to Motor.

  9. Dear admin, ,i am holding malaysian coc & a foreighner from bangladesh, ,but 1 months ago i lost it, ,pls advise how to recover it

  10. hi admin i want to get class 4 coc from malaysia so can yo tel me what is the eligibility crieria and fee shedule.?

  11. Hi admin,
    Im mate>500GT(domestic) holder and have seaservice almost 5 problem now is, issit possible that i upgrade my existing rank to WKO>500GT(near coaster or unlimited) directly? Since i already have those necessary certificate like bst, efficiency in survival course, GMDSS for GOC, advance fire fighting, medical 1st aid, radar observer certificate. I really need ur help and hope u can reply me asap, ur assisting is much more appreciate, tq

    Ur sincerely,

    1. Dear Steven,
      Unfortunately there is no direct upgrading even if you have all the modular certificate.
      You need to take the WKO course (NC or UL)

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I am Odey Maurice Okoli (nationality -Nigerian) I have (oow) Officer of the watch engine unlimited certificate of competency nigeria coc , and Higher national diploma in marine engineering from maritime academy of nigeria with 56 month sea service as 3rd engineer . I want to upgrade my coc to second engineer unlimited class 11 MEO course with Malaysia maritime academy and the Government of malaysia marine department .(1) please I want to know if am qualify to run this course ? (2) If after the course , I will be able to gain Eligibility from marine department malaysia . (3) How many month duration is involved for the course . (4) when will the school form for admission be available for 2014 session . I have written malaysia maritime academy no reply yet. Furnish me with all the necessary information regarding this course , to enable me forward my detail to them. Yours sincerely Odey Maurice Okoli ! Reply

    1. Dear Odey,
      1. Firstly, ALAM need to view your application, if they say that you are eligible base on their requirement, then... you are on the go. Basically, you are qualify since STCW is global.
      2. After ALAM say yes, then send your application to Marine Department attached with the letter from ALAM. Then they will give you the eligibility letter.
      3. More than 3 months.
      4. Enrollment... you need to call ALAM.

  14. Good day admin,
    I had done my class3 Coc from ALAM at 2009 and my Coc expires 2013 , hence would like to know wat is the procedure for renewing it do I need to do course again or I can contact MARDEP and renew it .

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      if you are holding WKE or WKO Malaysian COC and it is gonna/already expired... you can renew the COC online. if you need help since you are not in Malaysia, you may need assistance, please email to :

  15. Good day Admin,
    Myself Prasanna.B sailed as 3rd engr for 6 months,
    I had done my class3 Coc from ALAM at 2009 and my Coc expires 2014, hence would like to know wat is the procedure for renewing it do I need to do course again or I can contact MARDEP and renew it .

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      if you are holding WKE or WKO Malaysian COC and it is gonna/already expired... you can renew the COC online. if you need help since you are not in Malaysia, you may need assistance, please email to :

    2. Thank you, I m holding WKE COC would be useful whether I need to go for orals in Malaysia for renewal as I can plan my sailing or I can renew online by submitting.


  16. Hi,
    I have a Class IV COC from India. I have already completed my B.E. Marine in India. I would like to know if I could do my Class 2 from Malaysia. If so could you guide me to the Institutes that offer this course

    1. Please contact ALAM (Akademi Laut Malaysia), you can find their particulars from google.

  17. hi..what is minimum requirement to take coc course??
    the course period..

  18. Hi , i am student ranaco education and training institute course diploma in maritime technology engineering , i want to ask about the top news that i hear in this month of the slip diploma in ranaco is not inprove by marine department , that's true or not?

  19. If I already studying in marine engineering in uk .. hnd ME course.. how to apply coc of malaysia .. and I am a malaysian.. please explain me the procedure admin thank you!! Is better to have panama coc?

  20. Good day Admin!
    I am Satnam Singh from India holding Panama Chief Mate(unlimited)CoC with 25 months of sea experience in the same capicity.I've checked that Panama CoC are endorsed by Malaysian Maritime Authority.Am I eligible to apply for Mate(unlimited)course in Alam?Thanks & best regards,Satnam Singh

    1. No you not able to appear exam and be enjoy with tank

  21. I am okorodudu godswill from nigeria,I study marine engineering in oceanography, I have 3year sea experience, I have national diploma in marine engineering I need an assistance so that I can apply for third class unlimited for Engine

    1. Hi admin I have getting the licence from Dominican but I want to change it to Malaysia licence how do I go about it from Okorodudu Godswill

  22. I am okorodudu godswill from nigeria,I study marine engineering in oceanography, I have 3year sea experience, I have national diploma in marine engineering I need an assistance so that I can apply for third class unlimited for Engine

  23. Good day ,
    as of now i m holding Mlaysian Class 3 and its expiring on March 23 2014, can you help me the way to renes it as i m from india so would be glad to know if anything can be done through online.
    Prasanna.B , 00919791026069

  24. good day admin,
    i recently came to know tha malaysia coc is not accepted by malta and it true?i want to appear for 2nd engr exam but now confused..kindly let know regarding this issue.

  25. please give me the contact address for class 2 marine engineering exam in malaysia. & the expencess

  26. Hi admin

    Good Day,

    My name is Shahid Ali Sheraz, and I belong to Okara, Pakistan. I have bachelor's degree in Maritime Studies (Marine Engineering) from Pakistan Marine Academy (2 years cadet-ship program). After passing from Pakistan Marine Academy, completed 1 years apprenticeship from KPT (Karachi Port Trust). I then sailed for 9 months as a Trainee Engineer on MT OSX 4 VLCC in V ships..

    Now I want to appear in Class 4COC exams. For this I need to know the whole process, that how much it will cost me together with my visa charges? How much I have to stay there? what are the formalities and requirements which I have to fulfill to appear in exam? what are the upcoming dates for exams, and when they will take place again next time?

    I have all the STCW courses which included:

    Basic Courses:

    Basic Fire Fighting

    Proficiency in Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities

    Elementary First Aid

    Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques

    Tanker Familiarization


    Advance Training In Fire Fighting

    Advance Training In Oil Tanker Operations

    Medical First Aid At Sea

    Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat

    Engine Plant Simulator

    waiting for your kind response and professional advice.

    Kind Regards,

    1. Dear Shahid Sheraz:
      There is no way for you to appear for exam only. You need to attend courses in Malaysian MET Institution (such as ALAM). Exam will be schedule accordingly by the METI administrator

  27. hi..admin .. please guide me... i am presently sailing as second officer... i need to do class ii.... i m from pakistan... tell me the expenses.....and procedure of how to get enrolled there... one more thing..can i do my management courses of ECDIS..RADAR..SHIP'S CAPTAIN MEDICAL....from pakistan...if i do these courses from pakistan ..will they be acceptable in malaysia...??? and plz tell me the aprx expenditure of whole tenure till i get coc.

  28. hi admin...... i have sea time of 35 month after coc class-2(Engineer) from Pakistan. now i want to attend course for Class-1 from Malaysia. for that i have to attend combined course for class1/2 or is there any course for only engineer coc class-1.if yes then how much would be fee for course. Please suggest me the relative link of ALAM containing all info.

  29. hey I just wana give exams in Malaysia for coc of class 3 deck officer...I just have completed my 36 months at kindly guide me how can I apply IN ALAM university for my coc?? and how many sessions r dere every year???

  30. Good day Admin!
    I am durgesh Singh from India holding Panama Chief Mate(unlimited)CoC with 15 months of sea experience in the same capicity.I've checked that Panama CoC are endorsed by Malaysian Maritime Authority.Am I eligible to apply for Mate(unlimited)course in Alam?Thanks & best regards

  31. Bangladeshi SeafarerOctober 30, 2014 at 6:19 PM

    Dear sir
    I am from bangladesh. Will Malaysian Maritime Authority accept Bangladeshi seafarer for Watchkeeping Engineer 750 KW or more (NCV)?

    1. Good day dear All
      AMTC BANGKOK welcomes you foe examination and certification of all ranks Certificate of Competency .We provide offshore Certification too.
      HND/HNC (Nautical Science & Marine Engineering ) is well in demand.

      For more details please visit
      E.mail :

  32. Dear Admin,

    I am holding a chief mate(f.g) unlimited license from India, can i appear for my masters exam from Malaysia.

    1. Unfortunately ... you cannot do so

  33. Dear admin, good day..
    I'm anonnymous (nationality - malaysian), currently holding coc chief officer >3000gt near coastal. My question is, is there any possibility to conver my ticket NC to FG, and if it is possible, what will be my rank in FG then?

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Unfortunately there is no possibilities to convert CO NCV to UL. Depending on your WKO certificate as if it has UNLIMITED Voyage, you may want to undertake Combine prep course Master and Chief UL, attend oral exam..... etc

  34. Dear readers,
    Anyone wants to get Malaysian COC for any particular grade, must attend COC course in Malaysian Maritime Institution for that grade, appear for oral examination conducted by Malaysia Marine Department. Rule of Tumb, everything must be done in Malaysia. Regarding COPs, only country that having MOU with Malaysia may be considered.

  35. Dear sir, I'm malaysian seafarer holding class 4 coc above 750kw unlimited tanker familiarization cert. What is the requirements for VLCC? Do I need to take advanced tanker cert or any others? Sealestial marine training centre Miri offer this kind of courses? Thank you very much.

    1. *holding coc and tanker familiarization cert

  36. I am motorman from india having more then 40 months of experince in offshore vessels. Can i give meo class 4 (unlimited voyage) from alam.

  37. Hello admin,

    I am a GMDSS GOC holder only and have been working as a Radio Officer since 2011. Since for AWB does not complied to ISPS/MLC and GMDSS requirements, all ROs are exempted from STCW requirement. Now I am planning to upgrade myself to a better position at least as Deck / 2nd Officer.
    1. Can you please advise what is the minimum requirement to allow me achieve my dream?
    2. Since AWB are not complied to ISPS/MLC, I have no CoC and sea time recorded...
    3. I have a Seaman Book (2006) and GMDSS GOC (2011) only.

  38. Hello admin,

    I am a GMDSS GOC holder only and have been working as a Radio Officer since 2011. Since for AWB does not complied to ISPS/MLC and GMDSS requirements, all ROs are exempted from STCW requirement. Now I am planning to upgrade myself to a better position at least as Deck / 2nd Officer.
    1. Can you please advise what is the minimum requirement to allow me achieve my dream?
    2. Since AWB are not complied to ISPS/MLC, I have no CoC and sea time recorded...
    3. I have a Seaman Book (2006) and GMDSS GOC (2011) only.
    4. I am a Malayian, age 31 years old.

    1. Get the Malaysian Merchant Shipping Ordinance, now available on Android for free!

  39. My name is mike, i have a Nigerian class 3 unlimited in engineering, can I come over to Malaysia for my class 2 unlimited and how do I apply

    1. Good day dear All
      AMTC BANGKOK welcomes you foe examination and certification of all ranks Certificate of Competency .We provide offshore Certification too.
      HND/HNC (Nautical Science & Marine Engineering ) is well in demand.

      For more details please visit
      E.mail :

  40. For those studying for the Certificate of Competency, get the Malaysian Merchant Shipping Ordinance, now available on Android for free!

  41. i am holding malaysian COC class-3..on decemeber 22 my COC will be expired. I would like to extend the validity for one year rather than renewal of it five years. I am bangladeshi and at the moment in friend is going to malaysia to do course..
    is there any way i can authorize him to do the renewal of my COC on behalf of myself.
    if I can what and what documentation I would need?

    Appreciate if could advise me about this...

    1. Hello sir,
      I have seen that you have took your class 3 from Malaysia.I am also from bangladesh.I also want to take my class 3 from Malaysia.Will you please help me.i am giving my email ID.please sir help me.

  42. Hello Admin
    I am a Deck cadet.I am from Bangladesh.I have completed my two years pre sea Nautical training from Bangladesh.After that i have completed 12 months sea service as a Nautical cadet.Now i want to get OOW (Unlimited) Certificate of Competency (class 3) from Malaysia.Now please let me know if i am eligible and what i have to do if i want to get my Certificate of Competency from Malaysia.
    I have....
    1)Two years pre sea Nautical training certificate
    2)PST,PSSR,EFA,FPFF,AFF,SAT& SDSD courses certificate
    3)12 months sea service
    4)Training record book
    6)Discharge book(Bangladeshi)
    7)passport (Bangladeshi)

    1. Hi, first of all you need to approach ALAM if there is an opportunity for you to enroll. Then ALAM will guide you to submit all relevant document, which will be submitted to Marine Department of Malaysia for evaluation and approval. If you meet their requirement then they will issue a letter of eligibility. Good luck.

  43. Hi Akmal holding 2nd engineer 3000kw above can i convert to work onshore like hotels as an engineers

  44. Good day admin,
    I had done my class3 Coc from ALAM and my Coc expires Dec 2015 , hence would like to know wat is the procedure for renewing it do I need to do course again or I can contact MARDEP and renew it .

    1. Hi,
      If it just to renew the COC, the please renew your COC via MARDEP system. SDPx

  45. Hello admin would like to know procedure for giving class1 exam in malaysia. I have class2 coc from india so whether i have to give again class2 exam in malaysia. Waiting for your positive reply.

    1. Hi Sunil,
      You have to attend class 1 course in malaysia, only can get Malaysian COC.

  46. Hello Admin. I have Master Unlimited Coc from Uk. All stcw courses and Gmdss done from India. I want to know if I can get Malaysian Coc as I am going to be employed in an Indonesian company and they do not accept Uk coc. FYI I do not need Malaysian Coe, I need the actual Malaysian Coc. Thanks

  47. Hello Admin. I have Master Unlimited Coc from Uk. All stcw courses and Gmdss done from India. I want to know if I can get Malaysian Coc as I am going to be employed in an Indonesian company and they do not accept Uk coc. FYI I do not need Malaysian Coe, I need the actual Malaysian Coc. Thanks

    1. Dear XZYTE100, if you want, have to start from beginning, attend course, pass all exam.

  48. Hello Admin,
    Could you please guide me regarding WEBSITE to refer for malaysian coc renewal class 3 (deck officer) requirements and procedures (fyi i am Alam graduate+ Malaysian COC in year 2012) tq

    1. Anonymous,
      If you want to renew your COC, you can do it online SDPx: click below:

  49. Hello admin,
    how to get CoC for electrician at ships, is it compulsory? Currently, I have Dip in electrical and electronics cert. I hope to enlighten question. Thank you

    1. Hi Unknown,
      Please refer to this document:

      You can call Marine Department HQ, Seafarers Affairs & Port Division.

  50. I have pakistani coc class's 4 now I am 3rd engineer I want to get combined coc for 2nd eng and chief engineer I want to get information from alam I send email but they no reply please send his proper email address of alam thanks

  51. I have pakistani coc class's 4 now I am 3rd engineer I want to get combined coc for 2nd eng and chief engineer I want to get information from alam I send email but they no reply please send his proper email address of alam thanks

  52. Dear Sir
    I m sailing as 3Rd engineer for past 7 yrs on FG Oil tanker vessels.
    I wanted to appear for class 2 in Malaysia ALAM marine college ., but sir I have one doubt heard some companies with their ship registered to some flag don't accept Malaysian COC.. I m confused pls waiting for ur positive reply

  53. Dear admin,good day!I enquired from ALAM about deck officers course for Indians but they replied that they do not admit foreigners for DWKO course for the time being till further notice.

  54. Hi Admin,
    Arif Shahzad from Pakistan i have completed 36 months sea service as AB and my basic qualification metric
    please briefly guide me for COC Class 3 Deck officer and how much time is required in Malaysia .
    MY E mail ID Is ,

  55. I want to know what modular course is required for the new endorsement of
    2 nd Engineer Coc unlimited?

  56. Hi. I have a class 2 unlimited MEO COC from Singapore. Can I appear for my class 1 Unlimited ( chief engrs) coc from Malaysia.I have 14 months seatime after my class 2

  57. I want to appear for 2nd mates exams in malaysia,but ALAM is not replying by email.I contacted on phone alsi but they didn't send me details.
    Admin pls help.

  58. I have a MAlaysian COC however it was not recognised by the Malta Government. I thought that Malaysia is on the white list.

  59. I am holding Chief Mate (NCV) License from India and Belize Chief Mate FG Unlimited License. I have sailed for 21 Months as Chief Officer. My Total Experience after OOW is 19 + 21 = 40 Months. Kindly advise if i am eligible to appear for Master FG Unlimited in Malaysia.

    Thanks and Regards,

  60. Hi admin I have done my mec3 from New Zealand can I apply for class 2 from your prestigious institution please suggest me

  61. Assalamualaikum and evening dear Admin,

    I am Haris - 26years old male.

    I was a graduate of UniKL MIAT - Dip.Helicopter Maintenance and City of Bristol College - EASA Part 66 Avionics. Current issues in Malaysia have led to my UK basic engineers license cannot be converted hence the effort of doing Diploma and being a full-time student(on getting the license in the UK) have gone to waste. - i needed to retake everything to become an engineer and the duration could possibly equals to a duration of a degree.

    I have been offered a Degree in Marine Engineering from UniKL - MIMET - verbally by them as they have seen I am more than qualified for taking it, I have yet to submit an official application. MDM website (seafarer - training provider and institutions) is currently down and shying away from me, lol. So I'm unable to find if the Degree has been approved by them. What I needed to asks is, will doing the degree in marine engineering/electrical engineering can open a route and allow me to do cadetship and end up with WKE-Unlimited? CoC wise, I can roughly guess there is the long way 36months seatime or the shorter, more job-security of doing cadetship 12 months. I am still blurrish and unfamiliar with this alien system. So do correct me if I'm wrong for the above said.

    Your advice and guidance are most welcomed! hopefully, you could enlighten me on my next step and the steps after if possible. I hope I can still choose what I want and can do before age becomes a bolder in my path to success.

    Many thanks & regards,
    Haris Razi

    p/s: The degree offer was for January intake 2017.

    *a quite bee, buzzing quitely in KL & Selangor*

  62. Dear Admin
    Good day
    I am a foreigner having class III COC from ALAM and i am planning to revalidate it. Unfortunately the cost of fly tickets are very high and it's a bit expensive for me to come over. All the new courses i have completed. Is there any one who can help me in Malaysian to renew COC without my attendance all the expenses I will cover + interest. I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this meter!! Any information mail me on thanks in advance and all the best!!

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Good day admin,
    Sir can u pls confirm that Malaysian COC mate & master has no issues regarding maltese endorsements?..if so when it can be resolve...and MALAYSIAN COC has no issues regarding endorsements of other flags..
    Awaiting urs

  65. Good day admin,
    Malayasia is providing DCE(endorsement) for other countries COC.If so Which all countries?

  66. i have my hand from UK in navigation can I apply for coc in malaria. I wish to know how to apply and also when and cost and duration of training

  67. hi admin,my name is a.a.mamun and I've more than 24 month seatime as a 3rd engineer. i passed MEO CLASS-3 exam from i can get eligibility for class-2 & 1 combined exam from alam? pls,suggest me the correct procedure in

  68. Hi this is sameer khan from india. I'm holdind class 3 deck coc and wanted to give my class 2 exam in Malaysia what kind of documents do I need to submit??

  69. hello admin I am rizvy from bangladesh. I have completed my two years pre sea course from bangladesh and doing my sea service as a deck cadet. after complting my one year sea service as a deck cadet can I will abale to do my coc in malaysia? also how much cost I have to bear for my whole course including the short courses?

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Dear Sir,
    I'm from India and holding UK 2nd mate unlimited COC and Master Honduras CoC, worked on various ships as 2nd Mate and Chief officer. Presently working as a Master with Honduras COC. I wish to take Malaysia COC as I have a plan to shift to Malaysia. I should attend the course and clear the Malaysian COC from OOW level or I can give Master written and oral only? Can I get any exception because of holding Honduras Master? If Yes, then what is the procedure and how long it will take? To whom I should contact for the same. Thank you in advance.

  72. Good day,
    Im from India holding Panama CDC with 20 months sea service.Presently working in a Malaysian shipping company.Further I wish to appear for Class 2(deck) exams from Malaysia.
    How many months sea service do I need?
    And what documents do I need to submit?
    I would really appreciate your valuable reply.
    Thank you very much.

  73. I already have a deck class 2 coc from beliez, how can I get letter of eligibility from malaysian maritime authority to sit for malaysian master 3000 grt coc

  74. Good day
    I am holding cook island coc (chief engineer).can i got malaysian COR?

  75. Hello sir, could you please advise me if i can appear for class 1coc in UK with Malaysian class 2? Please asvise

  76. Hi admin
    I would like to know regarding COC class 1 exam.I m Myanmar Citizen and holding class 2 license ( Myanmar).So can i attend class 1 ( COC course ) in ALAM.?

  77. Dear sir,
    I want to do my class 1 & 2 combined deck.
    What are the requirements.What document 's I need.How to apply?

  78. I'm holding class 3 from Bangladesh.seatime more than 24 months

  79. Hi,I'm Justine,I studied in the Philippines with a decree in bsc,marine engineering. I need to take coc. Am I eligible to take it there? What are the requirements if I am. How many months training for the course?

  80. I am an Indian, serving as third engineer, having 40 months sea time, want to apply for class 2 engineer COC in Malaysia, am i eligible for this exam.

  81. Hai admin,
    I am from india.working as an oiler since 2 years in uae. Am working in cableship morethan12000kw dp 2 vessel. am holding panama watchkeeping and cdc.
    I can possible to apply for class 4 coc exam from ALAM?

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Dear sir, I am a seaman. I complete 3 years graduation from Bangladesh marine fisheries academy in Marine engineering . After complete my graduation, i taken Panama cdc . Then i completed 12 months sea time at merchant Navy as a cadet engineer.
    So, sir i want asked from you, can i approved for coc class -3 exam in Malaysia ? Or what's the requirement for class 3 exam in Malaysia ?

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Dear, sir
    I Habibur Rehman from india. I completed 36 months onboard now ready to appear classse of 2nd mate. I humble request to you please assist me regarding process. How to join classes in malaysia any esteemed collage.
    thanking you
    Best Regard

  86. Dear Sir,
    I am Arshman Ali from pakistan
    I am GPIII and currently in abu dhabi company Mutawa marine now i am working as a Able seaman and i already completed my sea period for giving 2nd make exam so can you please let me know i can get malaysian COC or not and what courses required for this Coc please let me know briefly


  88. Indian seafarer can apply Malaysian coc

  89. Dear Admin
    Kindly guide me. I am planning to take Class 2 Coc from Newzealand. In future after clearing COC class 2 from Newzealand,is it possible to get Malaysian COR for sail on Malaysian Flag vessels

  90. I am bangladeshi seaman..from deck rating,i complete 42 month sea can i give class 3 exam in malaysia?

  91. Dear sir i am Mohammad Motiur Rahman as A Ratings i completed my sea time 40 months now can i take admission with class-3 please reply with details. Thanks and best regard

  92. I am indian holding induan 2nd mate FG, is it possible to give my Master and Chief mate combine course in Malaysia, please guide me accordingly

  93. Dear Sir,
    I am Sajjad Ahmed from pakistan
    I am GPIII and currently i am working as a Able seaman and i already completed my sea period for giving 2nd mate exam so can you please let me know i can get malaysian COC or not and what courses required for this Coc please let me know briefly

    Sajjad Ahmed

  94. Hello admin
    This is talha ahmed from pakistan
    Sir i am GP rating and currently i am working as oiler and i already completed my sea period can you please tell me what is the eligiblity criteria for class 1V coc.

  95. Have a great day:
    I'm Eng. Mobammed Jomaah, I'm from Syria, My Age: 27 years.
    I have a Bachelor of Maritime Engineering Technology from Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transporting Of Egypt, Certificate of third engineer, and all certificates according to instructions of the IMO.
    I have experience 5 years as third engineer.
    I want get second & chief engineer course at alam laut akademy.
    I need Letter of Eligibility for register.
    Please how i can get Letter of Eligibility quickly.
    King regards.
    Mobile & Whatsapp: +963935542240

  96. Dear admin, I have go through all the messages but you have not mention that how possible way to appear exam based on questions & requirements

  97. How to apply Malaysia coc 2nd chief engineer combined programme. Any one can suggest me

  98. I have experience as a deck i'm sailing asa ordinary seaman ..i'm sri lankan cityzen ..i need get honduras coc..can i get it?if it is possible let me know how..?thnks

  99. Is there any opportunity for foriegn seafarers ? If yes please email.


  101. Bivash BhattachergeeDecember 3, 2020 at 1:16 PM

    Hi admin,
    I have class 2 ( deck) unlimited coc from Bangladesh. Can i appear for my class 1 unlimited deck coc from Malaysia? I have 34 month seatime after class 2.

  102. Nice Blog Thanks For sharing this wonderful blog Carry on keep it up. otherwise anyone wants to learn PDMS Course so contact here- +91-9311002620 or visit website-

  103. Good Day,
    i am able seaman from Pakistan and completed may 55 months of sea service as a able seaman now i want to take admission for class 3 deck officer in Malaysia, how can I take admission is there any proper link so please guide me.

  104. Good day admin,

    I am class 4 coc holder for steam. May I know how long is seatime required now to sit for combine class?

    And may I know if I were to go for class 4 motor, would I still have to go 1 year cadetship + tarb book?

    Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance.

  105. Thank you for providing such great information. Please find the details below for uk chief engineer class 1 coc

  106. Good day,sir i am from deck ratings.i already completed my sea time.can i get coc class 3 from Malaysia.and i already completed my seatime 36 months. Plz let me know sir. In my gmail id.

  107. Hi,sir my name is harpreet singh I am from India is it possible for me to apply for 2nd mate from Malaysia I have sufficient sea time along with Indian cdc & stcw certificate

  108. Hi i have Dominican coc. Can I convert my coc into to be Malaysian coc?

  109. Hi I want to know the minimum req for 2nd mate coc, can u help me out please reply me on my gmail I'd...

    best rgd
    Faisal Hayat

  110. Hii I am 3rd officer holding Malaysian coc having 12 months experience. Can I give my cheif mate exam in uk

  111. Hello i am electrical engineer having 8 months of seatime n planing to give class 4. Am i wligible for it?

  112. Hello sir. I m.indian cadet i have 3rd officer Hondrous coc..18th month sailing experience as 3rd to 2nd officer can I give Malaysia chiefmate coc exam ...

  113. Hello sir, i am holding class4 coc from india and i hace completed 40 months experience as 4th and 3rd engineer. Am i eligible to appear for malaysia class2 and class 1 coc.. Please guide me how to apply sir thanking you

  114. Hi...i hold Malaysia COC class 1 chief engineer ticket unlimited trade voyage steamship...may i know how i can convert my COC steamship to motor ticket...and what is the procedure.

  115. Hello sir
    I m planning give ch mate exam from malasiya my question is ielts required for ch mate course

  116. i am holding singapore class 2 coc deck unlimited wanted to attend masters unlimited orals can you please tell am i eligible for orals

  117. hai, malaysian can do thier class 4 COC in other countries?

  118. Hello Admin can I get a Cook COC online I'm from Kenya

  119. Hi admin, I’m a Indian deck cadet with 19 months sea time what is the procedure for applying for OOW class 3 unlimited for Indian nationality

  120. Good morning…I did my eating course at ALAM and sailing for 36months ready…so can I do wke unlimited at there?

  121. I hold engineering CLIV COC from India.
    Is it possible to appear for CLII & CLI engineering exams from malasia?
    If so please let me know the process for same ..Thank you.

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